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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine20.10.2020, 17:04

Oleksiy Danilov: Heads of security agencies of Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland to intensify cooperation in the “Lublin Triangle” format

Heads of security agencies of Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland will intensify cooperation in the “Lublin Triangle” format.

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov stressed this during a meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Lithuania to Ukraine Valdemaras Sarapinas, adding that such a meeting should be organized in the nearest future.

The NSDC Secretary noted that the results of the presidential election in Belarus will affect the security situation in Europe, in particular, given the Russian factor. “Possible strengthening of Russia’s influence is a challenge for Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland. Our cooperation is important for maintaining peace and quiet in the region”, - he said.

Mr. Danilov expressed his gratitude to Lithuania for supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russia's armed aggression and in restoring the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state.

The NSDC Secretary also drew attention to the situation in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. According to him, the NSDC Staff is closely monitoring the course of events and the security situation, in particular, analyzing the use of precision-guided munitions (PGM), primarily unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

In his turn, the Ambassador assured that the Republic of Lithuania will further support Ukraine in its confrontation with Russia, as well as its European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations, Ukraine’s accession to the EU and NATO. “We will be with you to your, and, therefore, to our victory”, - Mr. Sarapinas said.

According to him, Lithuania will consistently provide military assistance to Ukraine.

In this context, the parties acknowledged the successful cooperation in the format of the joint Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian brigade (UKRLITPOLBRIG) and called for the intensification of trilateral cooperation in this format.

Mr. Sarapinas highly appreciated the fact that the development of a strategic partnership with the Republic of Lithuania is enshrined in the new National Security Strategy of Ukraine.