Address of NSDC Secretary OleksandrTurchynov on the Commemoration Day of Famines’ Victims
Today is a Commemoration Day of Famines' Victims...It is not even so terrible that there was a famine in Ukraine, the most terrible thing is that there was more than one.The conscious policy of extermination of an entire nation, the policy of destroying Ukraine and Ukrainians.These atrocious experiments were conducted over our country three times.In 1921-1923, 1932-1933 and 1946-1947 according to the personal instructions of Stalin.
More than four million Ukrainianshave become victims only of famine of 1932-1933.More than four million lives interrupted in endless horrible agony...It was a conscious crime of the Soviet regime, which their successor - Russia - arrogantly refuses to recognize.But sooner or later the payback for the crimes will surely come...
Today at 16:00 we shall light a candle to commemorate Ukrainians killed during the genocide. Let us never forget...