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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine12.06.2024, 12:11

Oleksandr Lytvynenko: Development of the Ukrainian Doctrine requires active participation of national scientists

Image 5.jpegThe state’s science and technology policy is essential for the successful social and economic development of Ukraine. This was emphasised by Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Lytvynenko during a meeting with national scientists on Tuesday, 11 June.

In the course of the dialogue, he invited the scientists to join the work on the Ukrainian Doctrine being developed on behalf of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Image 2.jpegOleksandr Lytvynenko stressed that the Ukrainian Doctrine should become the basis for the transformation of the state the development of which is impossible without the active participation of national scientists.

“Ukraine should emerge victorious from the war, and we will then face a serious task – economic recovery, and it is impossible to do this without high-quality science, progressive approaches and technologies”, – said the Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine. That is why it is important to support Ukrainian science and enable scientists to work to rebuild and enhance Ukraine’s defence capability.

Image 4.jpegIn this regard, President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Anatolii Zahorodnii noted that the developments of Ukrainian scientists in the field of security and defence of our country are actually working today. However, for more effective development, priorities need to be set.

Oleksandr Bohomolov, Director of the National Institute for Strategic Studies, pointed out that the future Ukrainian Doctrine should include a strategy for Ukraine’s scientific, technological and humanitarian development. However, this requires an audit of scientific research capabilities.

Image 3.jpegDuring the discussion, it was suggested that Ukraine has all the capabilities and capacities to become a real scientific hub.

“A scientific state is, first and foremost, a motivation for scientists, postgraduates, students, schoolchildren, and young people who want to work for their country”, – said Maryna Viazovska, Head of the Department of Number Theory at EPFL (Lausanne), the second woman in history to win the Fields Medal, the most prestigious award in mathematics for young scientists.

Image 1.jpegAt the end of the meeting, Oleksandr Lytvynenko underlined that in the future document it is important to focus on human-centred approaches in determining national security and defence priorities rather than state-centred ones.

It is important for us to protect not only our country, but also to take care of the security of every person”, – summed up the NSDC Secretary.

The participants of the meeting expressed a common opinion that the Doctrine should receive a mandate of public support.

Among those invited to the meeting: