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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine22.07.2024, 11:05

Serhii Demediuk: Employment of veterans will help ensure reliable protection of the National Cybersecurity System of Ukraine

2207241.jpegThe National Coordination Centre for Cybersecurity under the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine and CRDF Global in Ukraine, with the support of the US Department of State, have for the third time trained veterans under the Cyber Defenders reintegration programme.

2207242.jpegThe participants spent five months acquiring knowledge and skills in cyber defence and cyber security for further employment in the public and private sectors of Ukraine. The training culminated in a Capture the Flag (CTF) competition and an award ceremony.

2207248.jpeg"The experience of the United States and Israel shows that programmes such as Cyber Defenders are effective in providing veterans with new professional opportunities, which 2207243.jpegcontributes to their successful integration into civilian life. Reintegrating veterans is an important step in supporting those who risked their lives to defend Ukraine. After all, they have unique skills, such as strategic thinking, determination and endurance, which are indispensable, especially in the field of cybersecurity. In addition, there is an acute shortage of cybersecurity professionals around the world, and Ukraine is no exception. Employment of veterans will help not only fill the demand in the sector, but also ensure reliable protection of the National Cyber Security System of Ukraine", - said Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine Serhii Demediuk.

2207247.jpegOver the course of the Cyber Defenders project, more than 100 female and male veterans have successfully completed the training, which has enabled them to significantly improve their theoretical knowledge and practical skills in cybersecurity. As a result, they have become more competitive in the labour market, both in the public and private sectors.

"The aim of this project is to provide free comprehensive support for female and male veterans on their way to new career opportunities in cybersecurity. The curriculum 2207245.jpegincludes regular classes to practice theoretical material, intensive English language training, professional career counselling, and psychosocial support. This is an extremely important and unique initiative not only for female and male veterans, but also for the protection and development of our country in the digital space", - said Mykhailo Verich, Regional Director of CRDF Global in Ukraine.

2207246.jpegNadiya Adamenko, Director of the Department of Digital Development and Transformation at the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine, noted that the Ministry of Veterans aims to expand opportunities for female and male veterans. "Mastering professional knowledge and skills by the programme's graduates will contribute to their career success in cybersecurity in the public and/or private sector of Ukraine. Those who defended the country from enemies yesterday are continuing their task today, protecting it from external threats in the digital world."

2207244.jpegThe Cyber Defenders programme was launched by the U.S. Foundation for Civilian Research and Development (CRDF Global) in cooperation with the National Coordination Centre for Cybersecurity under the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine and the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine and is implemented with the strategic and financial support of the Office of European and Eurasian Assistance Coordination of the U.S. Department of State.