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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine21.08.2024, 14:48

Representatives of the NCCC took part in the opening of the Cyber Security Laboratory of Automated Control Systems in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

kiberlaboratoriya 21082024 1.jpgOn 20 August 2024, Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine and Head of the NCCC Serhii Demediuk, Head of the Information Security and Cybersecurity Service, Secretary of the NCCC Nataliia Tkachuk and Head of the Information Security Department of the Specialised Service of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine Volodymyr Zvierev took part in the opening of the Cyber Security Laboratory of Automated Control Systems at the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

kiberlaboratoriya 21082024 2.jpgThe Cyber Security Laboratory for Automated Control Systems will help 200 future and existing operators responsible for critical infrastructure to improve their skills and knowledge to reduce and eliminate vulnerabilities in automated control systems. The newly created laboratory effectively duplicates the environment of an industrial control system, simulating real-life situations in various sectors such as manufacturing, water supply and utilities. This makes it easier to conduct practical experiments and expand training opportunities.

kiberlaboratoriya 21082024 3.jpg"The shortage of cybersecurity personnel is becoming a serious challenge for most countries, including Ukraine, especially in the context of russia's constant cyberattacks aimed at destabilising vital public sectors. The opening of the Cyber Security Laboratory at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is an important step in overcoming this challenge and strengthening Ukraine's cyber resilience. This laboratory provides opportunities for training specialists capable of effectively countering modern threats and ensuring reliable protection of the country's critical infrastructure", - said Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine Serhii Demediuk.

kiberlaboratoriya 21082024 4.jpgThe opening of the laboratory was also attended by Deputy Minister of Education for Science and Innovation Denys Kurbatov, Head of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine Yuriy Myronenko and USAID Mission Director Julie Coenen. The National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine and the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection will facilitate the involvement of critical infrastructure operators in the training of cyber specialists in the laboratory.

The Cyber Security Laboratory for Automated Control Systems was established with the support of the USAID Cybersecurity of Ukraine's Critical Infrastructure Project.