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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine22.10.2024, 17:01

Personnel Decisions, Regulatory Changes and Thorough Inspection: Results of the NSDC Meeting on the Situation with the MSEC and Abuse of Disability by Officials

zasidanya RNBO 22102024.jpegThe Head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Vasyl Maliuk, and the Minister of Internal Affairs, Ihor Klymenko, reported on inspections and investigations into criminal violations. According to them, numerous facts of violations and cases of fraudulent disabilities among officials were uncovered.

Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, Minister of Health Viktor Liashko, and Minister of Social Policy Oksana Zholnovych reported on the steps to be taken at the government level.

Special attention was paid to the situation in Ukraine's prosecution system. Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin reported on this matter.

zasidanya RNBO 22102024 1.jpegThe National Security and Defense Council has established a list of decisions aimed at restoring justice. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has already approved them by the corresponding decree.

In particular, these decisions include the digitalization of procedures for all stages of medical and social expert commissions, a thorough inspection of MSEC members' declarations, as well as verification and revision of unjustified decisions on the disability status of officials, and an audit of the relevant pension accruals.

Additionally, there will be regulatory changes to urgently reform the medical and social expertise system in Ukraine with a review of the pension payment system and mechanism for government officials.

The Head of State noted that there must be personal accountability for the situation. He instructed the Prime Minister of Ukraine to resolve the problem at the central executive level, particularly within the relevant ministries, and stressed that personnel decisions are needed.

In addition, Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that the Prosecutor General should also bear political accountability for the situation within Ukraine's prosecution bodies.