Greetings of Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov with the Holy Trinity Day
Friends, I sincerely congratulate you with the Holy Trinity Day!
The Holy Trinity Day is an amazing holiday. On the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ, the Holy Spirit came down to the apostles, as Jesus had promised. They not only saw Him in the likeness of fiery beams but also felt Him with their hearts and souls. The apostles started speaking the languages they had not known before, received the ability to prophecy, to the healing of the suffering, and were endowed with other special gifts. In other words, they were ready to spread throughout the world the truth of God - the Gospel, to bring people the light that overcomes the darkness.
This was the day when, with the Descent of the Holy Spirit, the perfection, all the fullness and indivisibility of the Triune God were revealed. God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit - the awareness of the Divine essence, united in the souls of the apostles, lightened and blessed them for further service. This was the day when the Church of Christ was born.
This Holiday reminds us of our oneness with God because God created us in His image and likeness. We all, friends, have more in common than different because we all strive toward happiness and want to avoid suffering. We all can feel in our hearts the Holy Spirit and understand that God is Love that embraces the Universe and every one of us.
Congratulations, friends! The Truth is with us, God is with us, and the Victory will be with us! May God bless Ukraine and every one of you!