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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine08.04.2018, 04:42

Easter greeting of Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov

Dear friends! I congratulate you on a great holiday - the bright day of the Resurrection of Jesus!

From century to century, from year to year, this holiday lifts us over vanity and routine.

Jesus Christ came to the Earth to turn humanity to God and to prove that true Love always overcomes malice and cruelty, by giving his life for us. The Resurrection of the Savior convinces that not only the kingdom of darkness can be overcome, but that death can also be defeated!

In these days, we recall our defenders, who gave their lives for our freedom, for our state, and ask God's protection for those who today defend Ukraine with arms in their hands.

We have experienced very severe tests. But the Ukrainian people have never been alone. God is with us, truth is with us, and victory will be with us!

Christ has Risen!

Indeed He has Risen!