Oleksandr Turchynov: Development of the cybershield against hybrid aggression is one of the critical issues for national consolidation and international engagement
Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov congratulated the organizers and participants of the XX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Information Security in Information and Telecommunication Systems".
"This jubilee international forum should once again demonstrate the consolidation of the efforts of state institutions, scientific and professional community in building Ukraine's security communications space", - the greetings said.
According to the NSDC Secretary, an effective system for countering cyberattacks, cybercrime, cyberterrorism, active development of the state cyberdefense contour and its scaling on the country's whole critical infrastructure, development of the cybershiled against hybrid aggression are among the critical issues for national consolidation and international engagement.
Therefore, he said, first on the agenda of the Conference is the practical implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On the basic principles of ensuring cybersecurity of Ukraine", which recently entered into force.
Mr. Turchynov reminded that this law stipulates the fundamental principles of protecting Ukraine's national interests in cyberspace and cybersecurity guarantees for citizens and business, the main vectors of development of the national cyber security system are defined, and the working mechanisms of public-private partnership for its implementation are laid.
The NSDC Secretary expressed his confidence that during the Conference a constructive dialogue will be held, and effective practical solutions will be adopted as a result of this.