The Cybersecurity Month-2020 takes off in Ukraine
Every year, leading European countries, as well as the United States, join in the discussion of cybersecurity issues. October has been defined as the world’s month for discussing and addressing cybersecurity issues.
This year, Ukraine joins this initiative, introducing the cybersecurity month from October 1. This was announced by Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov.
According to him, the issue of cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important over time, and protecting the country from cyber threats requires more and more time, effort and resources. Therefore, to optimize these processes and make them more effective, during the month of cybersecurity, representatives of relevant government agencies, private companies and independent cybersecurity experts are involved in addressing these issues.
“Today, cybersecurity is one of the key ways to protect the country from external interference and internal risks. In this context, the issue of public-private partnership is crucial for us. It is extremely difficult to build the country’s cyber defense without the interaction of the private sector with the relevant state bodies”, - Mr. Danilov stressed.
As part of the Cybersecurity Month in Ukraine, events aimed at strengthening the country’s cyber defense will take place in October: hackathons for public sector employees, presentations of new cybersecurity projects and conferences on cybersecurity, etc.
It bears reminding that according to p. 2 of Art. 31 of the Law of Ukraine “On National Security of Ukraine”, upon the instruction of the President of Ukraine, the National Coordination Center for Cybersecurity under the NSDC of Ukraine has started developing a Cybersecurity Strategy of Ukraine.