Head of the Critical Infrastructure Security Service of the Staff of NSDC Iryna Tymoshenko took part in the seminar "Interagency Resilience in Ukraine"
Head of the Critical Infrastructure Security Service of the Staff of NSDC of Ukraine Iryna Tymoshenko took part in the seminar "Interagency Resilience in Ukraine", which took place on April 25-27, 2023 in Krakow (Poland).
The three-day event, which was attended by 18 representatives of Ukrainian authorities, was organized by the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies in partnership with the Institute for Security Management of the University for Defense and Security Cooperation.
The goal of the seminar is to increase Ukraine's resilience through legislation.
During her speech, Iryna Tymoshenko informed about the functioning of the national system of critical infrastructure protection of Ukraine as one of the main elements of resilience.
"We see support for Ukraine as part of a system of international cooperation, and this workshop is a good opportunity to start taking steps to implement the findings of recent research and experience," said Sandra O'Hern, Regional Program Manager at the Institute for Security Management.
Colonel Matthew Neumeyer, Director of Strategic Studies at the Marshall Center, praised Ukraine's efforts to legislate for national resilience.
The team of the Institute for Security Governance adheres to NATO's approach to defining and detailing resilience. NATO's Resilience Framework, adopted at the Alliance Summit in Warsaw in July 2016, was developed in response to a number of security challenges, including Russia's annexation of Crimea, instability in the Middle East and North Africa, and growing cyber threats. Using it as a framework, each participating country has developed its own strategies and regulations.
Ukraine has since implemented similar definitions in its legislation.
During the first national resilience workshop held last December, the challenges faced by Ukraine in this area were discussed.