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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine11.09.2024, 12:22

NCCC Launches Strategic Leadership Programme 2.0 for Cybersecurity Executives

202409114.jpeg6 September saw the start of the second intake of the SJC-2024 Strategic Leadership Programme for Cybersecurity Executives, organised by the National Coordination Centre for Cybersecurity (NCCC) in cooperation with the Global Cyber Cooperative Centre.

202409112.jpegThe programme is aimed at improving the professional level of public and private sector executives, as well as politicians involved in the development of strategic decisions in the field of cybersecurity.

The SOPHOS.JOINT.CYBER programme was developed with the participation of leading international experts and with the support of the NCCC. It includes four modules, each of them focused on the development of key strategic leadership and decision-making skills that will strengthen Ukraine's national cyber capabilities. This year, 50 managers working in cybersecurity in the public and private sectors joined the programme.

202409111.jpeg‘The strategic leadership and collaboration that is at the heart of this programme will be key to our resilience in the future. We recognise that human factor, experience and the ability to adapt are key to ensuring cybersecurity. Without professionals who know how to work with technology, no system can provide reliable protection.

20240911.jpegHowever, the true strength of cybersecurity is determined by leaders, visionaries and strategists who are able to change the national system and make it stronger. I believe this programme will provide you with the right tools to inspire and implement positive changes in our country,' - said Nataliia Tkachuk, Head of the Information and Cybersecurity Service of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, Secretary of the NCCC, opening the first module of the programme.

The event featured a panel discussion with Nataliia Tkachuk, Deputy Foreign Minister Anton Demokhin, MP Oleksandr Fediienko, Director of the Cyber Defence Department of the State Special Communications Service of Ukraine Ihor Malcheniuk, Head of the Expert Group on Information and 202409113.jpegCyber Security of the Ministry of Defence Oleh Shemetov and Director of 10Guards Vitalii Yakushev. During the discussion, the participants highlighted the main achievements and current challenges in Ukraine's cybersecurity sector.

The Strategic Leadership Programme for Cybersecurity Executives has become a unique platform for sharing experience, developing strategic thinking and generating asymmetric solutions to strengthen the country's cybersecurity capabilities.