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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine25.09.2024, 12:26

Oleksandr Lytvynenko met with the new Head of the NATO Representation to Ukraine Patrick Turner

202409252.jpegOn Tuesday, September 24, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Lytvynenko met with the newly appointed NATO Senior Representative - Head of the NATO Representation to Ukraine Patrick Turner.

The parties discussed the prospects for the development of Ukraine's relations with the 20240925.jpegAlliance in the context of strengthening the defense capabilities of our country.

Oleksandr Lytvynenko congratulated Patrick Turner on taking office and emphasized that Ukraine's full membership in NATO would be a key to Europe's long-term security architecture.

202409251.jpegFor his part, Patrick Turner expressed his support for the Ukrainian people in the fight against the russian aggressor. He stressed that the Alliance's priorities are to achieve a just peace in Ukraine and to support Ukraine's progress towards NATO membership.

The parties expressed hope for the continuation and development of bilateral cooperation and further interaction.