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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine08.10.2024, 16:11

On the way to implementing NATO standards: NSDC Secretary meets with Ambassador of Canada

20241008.jpegOn Tuesday, 8 October, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Lytvynenko met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to Ukraine Natalka Cmoc. The meeting was also attended by Defence Attaché at the Embassy of Canada to Ukraine Serge Menard and representatives of the Canadian government's PROTECT2 project.

202410082.jpegThe parties discussed issues of expanding Ukrainian-Canadian cooperation, including Ukraine's priority needs in the context of integration into Europe and NATO, approaches to democratic governance in the defence sector, improving planning and resource management, supporting and adapting veterans, ensuring gender equality, etc.

202410081.jpegThe Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine thanked the Canadian side for military, financial and humanitarian assistance and stressed that NATO membership remains a strategic goal of Ukraine.

Ambassador of Canada Natalka Cmoc noted that Canada will continue to support Ukraine in difficult times and in the long term.

Representatives of the PROTECT2 initiative expressed their support for the Ukrainian people in the fight against the russian aggressor and assured of their support for Ukraine on the path of reforms and strengthening of defence capabilities.

202410083.jpegFor reference: PROTECT2 is funded by the Department of National Defence of Canada and implemented by Alinea International. The project works with the Government of Ukraine, primarily the Ministry of Defence. Its goal is to support the Ukrainian government in building the capacity of defence institutions and agencies to meet internationally recognised standards of governance, gender equality, performance and accountability.