Greetings of Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov on the occasion of the Day of High-mobile Airborne Forces of Ukraine
Dear warriors-paratroopers! I would like to sincerely congratulate you on the occasion of the professional holiday!
Airborne forces are excellence, strength of spirit, will to victory, devotion to oath and combat brotherhood. The professionalism and courage of the Ukrainian "winged infantry", who are involved in international peacekeeping military operations, are highly valued all over the world.
Nowadays airmobile brigades honorably resist the aggressor in Donbas being the first to go in battle. Let us honor the memory of the fallen heroes-paratroopers who gave their lives defending Ukraine!
Heroes-paratroopers, thanks to your courage and heroism you speed upon the victory of our State over the enemy!
I wish you good health, family happiness, fortitude, and optimism! May God bless you and your families!